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灵魂最深处的呻吟 Nick Cave&P.J.Harvey-Henry Lee

发表日期:2005年12月26日  出处:http://bly7.2000y.net  作者:蓝飓风  本页面已被访问

灵魂最深处的呻吟 Nick Cave&P.J.Harvey-Henry Lee


Nick Cave,一个朋友们应该去听的歌手,这个世界的颓靡、美丽和病态尽在他的歌特抒情美学之中。
Nick Cave 的作品似乎总是不可避免的基于这些“坏”的精神:酗酒、妓女,贫穷白人的后裔(WHITE TRASH),特别是谋杀这个主题贯穿于他的作品之中。
而在大多数NICK CAVE的歌迷心中,最喜爱的无疑是1996年的“MURDER BALLADS”(谋杀歌谣),10首歌曲演绎了一幕幕人间惨剧,刻化出一个个扭曲的灵魂……这首歌就出自在其中,很多朋友贴过那首Where the wild roses grow. Henry Lee是该专辑的第三首歌,Nick Cave与P.J.Harvey合唱.忧郁的声音唱着平淡的歌词,主奏的背景钢琴和弦乐恣意的渗透着肃杀的气氛,阴暗恐怖,仿佛每一颗音符都深入灵魂深处,甚至透过我们的骨....

        《Henry lee》
        Get down, get down, little Henry Lee
        And stay all night with me
        You won"t find a girl in this damn world
        That will compare with me
        And the wind did howl and the wind did blow
        La la la la la
        La la la la lee
        A little bird lit down on Henry Lee
        I can"t get down and I won"t get down
        And stay all night with thee
        For the girl I have in that merry green land
        I love far better than thee
        And the wind did howl and the wind did blow
        La la la la la
        La la la la lee
        A little bird lit down on Henry Lee
        She leaned herself against a fence
        Just for a kiss or two
        And with a little pen-knife held in her hand
        She plugged him through and through
        And the wind did roar and the wind did moan
        La la la la la
        La la la la lee
        A little bird lit down on Henry Lee
        Come take him by his lilly-white hands
        Come take him by his feet
        And throw him in this deep, deep well
        That"s more than one hundred feet
        And the wind did howl and the wind did blow
        La la la la la
        La la la la lee
        A little bird lit down on Henry Lee
        Lie there, lie there, little Henry Lee
        Till the flesh drops from your bones
        For the girl you have in that merry green land
        Can wait forever for you to come home
        And the wind did howl and the wind did moan
        La la la la la
        La la la la lee
        A little bird lit down on Henry Lee



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